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The Soul Conscious Leader

Creating more soul centric cultures in life and leadership.

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Pioneer a more soul conscious world.
For you and those you lead.

Lead yourself, your team and your organization into the future of Soul Conscious Leadership

Recieve perspectives, tools and actionable steps to influence the future of Soul Conscious Leadership.  

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The Soul Conscious Leader

The human experience is changing. Collectively, we are more aware than we've ever been.  We are waking up to deeper aspects of who we really are, what we truly want and prioritizing the things in life and work that benefit our well being, peace, and expansion. This is the journey of the soul.  The soul is the part of ourselves that is drawn to wholeness through growth.

Conscious leadership is an emerging concept but so far has been limited to the realm of emotional intelligence. How to show empathy, compassion, build trust and create psychological safety in the workplace.  While this is a beautiful and necessary evolution, there is so much more to conscious leadership.  Conscious means awakening to an alternate state of being, the nature of the true self.  


Consider the shift in employees choosing work environments that best serve who they are as a whole person, not just an employee.  They require feeling heard and seen by their leader.  Managers must now lead with skills that support inclusion, belonging and trust.  But this is not where the story ends.  All of this is pointing to a new future in which we engage with work as a soul evolving experience. This is already happening organically as it is the nature of life.  We naturally yearn for environments that feel aligned with the fullness of who we are and we suffer when we stay in spaces that feel out of alignment with our most authentic self.  We cannot cease to deisire to remain in flow with this constant and ever changing force as it is the nature of the soul. The Soul Conscious Leader understands this and knows how to activate the highest point of contribution for themslves, the individual and the team while directing energy and skill towards the realization of the companies mission.

Meet the Founder
Emily is a leadership development professional and ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) completing her Masters in Spiritual Psychology. Emily's mission is to pioneer a path for organizations to embrace and empower the spiritual asect of the human experience within workplace culture as a way to heal the individual and planet at large.  The realm of work/career is fertile ground for shifting old paradigms that constrict authentic expression, conscious awarness and ultimately business outcomes. With over 1000 client hours supporting individuals and groups, Emily and has a gift for helping leaders  tap into their own extraordinary, natural guidance system and in doing so transforming the way they lead themselves, their teams, and the organization.
Emily currently holds a leadership development role at  a world leading fitness apparel brand.  Alongside brilliant leaders, she has led the way in standing up a global coaching program that offers every employee around the globe access to life and leadership coaching.  Emily resides in Dallas, TX and works with clients all over the world. 

Emily Cardamon, Founder

Contact for speaking, training, consulting and coaching partnerships.

Why Now

Job titles and rigid career pathways as we know them today are fading constructs.  Do people still want to grow, contribute and be paid in alignement with their experience and contribution?  Yes.  Do organizations still need structures and leveling? Of Course. But the atmosphere is changing. Humans today care more about getting to do work they love, work their soul came here to do. As companies awaken to this, they see the potential in creating more agile and fluid work models to keep pace. The time is now for leadership models to evolve with this shift.

The Soul Conscious Leader focuses on developing the way individuals and teams relate to themselves, their strengths, and their highest point of  contribution.


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